Fruit Cravings and Pregnancy

Spring into summer with fresh delectable fruits!!! I've always loved almost any kind of fruit, maybe besides coconut. During my pregnancy no fruit has been off limit! Eating clean can be a challenge financially, physically, and even mentally as it is so tempting to just eat what is accessible including fast food. 

All natural is not only good for yourself but also your growing baby in the months leading up to labor and even after. What we put into our bodies build our immune system as well as theirs. Nuts, fruits, and vegetables carry vital nutrients that give me energy throughout the day as well as taste so so yummy! I've been obsessed with peanut butter for months and the cravings haven't let up any. Which is a good and bad thing I guess.?

In the plate pictured above I peeled kiwi, cut up gala apples with crunchy peanut butter drenched on top as well as blackberries just simply because I love blackberries. It's a random combination but it is truly what I was craving in the moment. I try to use only organic fruit and vegetables to maintain my eating clean diet. Fruits are sprayed with all sorts of pesticides to preserve them during groccery store life so to clean my fruit I either buy a vegetable spray available at Sprouts Groccery or I soak my fruit in cold water with 1 cup vinegar added for 15-20 minutes before cutting or serving. 

I've started my process of curating facial and body scrubs for everyday use using only all natural ingredients mostly fruits because they yield the prettiest colors and most lucious scents! Stay tuned ❤️

Xoxoxoxoxoox Milyaka la del 💋
